Sunday, October 21, 2007

watch out winter!!

So, I have been looking everywhere for a fleece sweatshirt that is white with a really big neck yet fitted. And, I couldn't find it anywhere. So the other day I was at target and decided that for this winter I would make my own and make it cheap. So I bought two queen size fleece blankets. Then I took out of my closet three of my favorite sweaters and layed them down on the fleece , cutting and designing my new sweater around the old ones I like so much. It actually turned out. It is by no means professional but it is definately wearable and warm. The neck is chunky, the middle fitted, and the sleaves long and a little bigger on the bottom than the top. Maybe after this project, I should try making those shoes.... umm no way.

1 comment:

The Thurmonds said...

so cute keri!! maybe it will get cool enough here so you can wear it.... or you may just have to take it with you to new mexico or colorado. :o)